Home Page
Welcome to Evo Carnivorous Plant Labs' soft opening! You get all the perks of buying our plants while I continue to figure out how to build a website! Most of you won't notice a difference, but there are a few caveats I need to point out.
- First off, The Website - As of 10/12/2023, it "works". Sales and security are fine, but you will run into occasional cosmetic issues. It was an old "Shopify 1.0" design that I quickly patched up to be compatible with 2.0. If things seem weird, try turning off your pop up blocker. I use uBlock and it disabled every menu and enlarging images. That was 5 days of a website rabbit hole I could have avoided!
- Shipping Prices - I'm having issues with certain combinations of products. If the shipping payment seems super high, don't worry, I'll refund the remainder. Just make sure to add a note or send me a message so I don't forget to correct it.
- Order Confirmation - Stock is limited and I probably made a few counting mistakes. To account for this, your credit card will be authorized at checkout, but you won't be charged until the order is fulfilled. Make sure you leave your email address and I will contact you if I have to make adjustments.
- Heads up, I have weird hours. I'm nocturnal so don't expect replies in the morning! Official open/close time is 2PM - 2AM CST.
- It is getting cold outside, but I do have 72 hr heat packs. If you order a lowland Nepenthes or Petiolaris Complex Drosera I will include one for free.
- Finally, see that little orange chat button in the corner? That goes straight to me. A chat request literally pops up on my phone. Don't hesitate if you have any questions. I talk to plants and my automation system all day. When I saw the chat option I was like, "Wait, with this button, fellow nerds who are interested in the weird ass hobbies I'm interested in will just magically appear? Yea, I'm sold!"
So yea, browse away! I also highly suggest checking out the EvoVerse. I've spent, what 7 years? playing mad scientist and have some pretty cool stuff in there. There's automation, waterproof grow lights, a 7ft tall filter tower for my plant jacuzzis, and fog, so much fog! No idea if I will sell them as products, but I can definitely help other people implement stuff in their setups! Currently the EvoVerse pages just have pictures, some with commentary. I will write more, just having to prioritize to get the site online before it gets cold!